01 March 2009

Some Things

It was intentionally vague. I worked at a country club, now I don't. Despite the fact that I claim to be tech-savvy (and my new job is as a laptop repair apprentice), I'm a little behind in the blog scene. I don't perceive this as a bad thing, by any means, but it is something I intend to work on. I maintain a blog, obviously, but I will never be a blogger. The fact that I just used an html tag to italicize that is irrelevant.

Here are some things it may help to know if you want special insider information when reading this blog. I have absolutely no idea what I am talking about, ever, and I feel that my gift is expressing that very notion in words. If that sentence made sense to you, then by all means read on, this blog is for you, friend. For those of you for whom I have just confirmed initial suspicions of lunacy, you are free to return to your lives in the real world. Stop back and visit some time when you need a little break.

The vast majority of what I create in this dark space will be fictional. In some cases, it will be loosely or closely based on things that have happened, could have happened, or may at some point happen to me or anyone, but it is likely I will still present these things as fiction. In the extremely unlikely event that something appears in this space that you feel misrepresents you or in some way offends you, please to contact me as soon as possible and I will tell you why it is that way, and I will probably not change anything about it.

Often, I feel that the existing nomeclature of written text may not easily apply to what I present here. In these more flexible times, the categorization may offer itself somewhat more readily, but you can be certain that (my anticipated) lack of any consistency or creative direction will render that moot. At the very least, I will try to convince some of my players to make recurring appearances in various places and times, but it will suit you not to get attached. I don't kill characters, I forget them, which is far worse.

I will, this one time, address the title. I have no idea where it came from, no idea what it means, and no idea what to do with it. A google search of "The Feel-Good Kid" will yield strange and varying results, but the majority of them have something to do with children, and nutritional information. You can expect to read very little about either of those on this page henceforward.

I have a comma problem, it is being addressed. I have a meeting with a semicolon in the morning, but I'm worried I might say something to offend it.

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